
04/08/2015 18:07

While waiting for the first U.S. and Nazi minis, why not exploring the other factions? War of Wonders is based on WW II historical facts, and as such all the major countries at war will have their troops and Meta-Humans ready to join the action.

Of course we couldn't ignore Soviet Russia! The Zvezda (Star) is the first and most important Meta-Human squad created by O.K.G.S.S. (Organizazzionniy Komitet Geroev Sovetskova Soyuza – “Committe for the Organization of Soviet People's Heroes”) by enlisting Natural Prodigies and creating new ones in Soviet laboratories, using old mutation chambers received from the U.S.


Sadly the procedures killed many candidates, but the scientists paid no heed to the high death toll and persisted 'till they managed to create the two most powerful Soviet Meta-Humans: the resilient Ataman and the Abomination known as Zveroboi.


You can read their stories in the Faction section of our blog, and see some original artworks from our artists following this link. Enjoy!

21/07/2015 16:19

Our sincerest apologies, this update arrives far later than we expected. The post-KS routine and the preparation of the next RPG rulebooks for Lucca Comics & Games 2015 sucked our time pretty much.


But we're glad to announce today that our international partner completed the backers' funds collection and the miniatures are getting printed by Greebo Games in high quality white metal. As soon as we have the first pics, we'll share them with you!


At the same time we're revisiting War of Wonders Miniature Game's rules with the feedbacks received from our backers during and after the KS campaign. We're considering their interesting suggestions and testing them on the battlefield, and we'll post news about this process too, to keep you constantly updated through the months still separating us from the finished product.


Stay tuned and keep playing!

06/06/2015 11:58

The Kickstarter has been funded!

Our sincerest thanks to all our backers for making it possible, for supporting the project and providing important feedbacks throughout the campaign.

Let's face it, we hoped for a better result, more backers and more stretch goals unlocked to produce many more Meta-Humans and special squads with the Kickstarter, but we probably paid for our inexperience with the KS tools and did some mistakes. We were able to amend some of them on the run, others were not so easy to cope with.

Nonetheless, thanks to your support and interest for the game, for the miniatures and for the extensive background of War of Wonders, we'll be able to produce the promised basic set: 4 Meta-Humans (The Flag, Firefly, Brunhild and Dr. Nachtmahr) and 2 troop squads (US Rangers and German Arisches Korps). Also, as previously announced, we'll produce the first Japanese Meta-Human Yashamaru, even if the funds dwindled under the 5.000 € required to unlock the stretch goal.

We think this is a necessary gesture of consideration and respect towards our backers, and also enough of an answer to those wondering about the future of the game now: we of course intend to produce it and widen the range of miniatures, adding the missing factions, special squads and more characters.

Stay tuned for more!

05/06/2015 17:22

War of Wonders Kickstarter enters its final hours. This is your last chance to back the ONE AND ONLY 3D skirmish game set in a weird WW II with superheroes!

During the Kickstarter campaign, the first stretch goal had been hit twice and twice the funds dwindled under the 5.000 €. And still we chose to produce Yashamaru (along with his water ghosts) and add it to the list of available Meta-Humans that you can get through the Kickstarter. Furthermore, anyone at Captain, Colonel and Hybrid pledge level, and any backer choosing the Ardennes pack pledge level, will receive the miniature of the Shinobi for free! This is our way of showing our respect to our backers and thank them for their support and precious feedbacks.

It's also our way to state plain and clearly that we've always believed in the power of our dreams and we're strongly determined to develop War of Wonders, well beyond the Kickstarter.

Keep supporting the Kickstarter and enjoy the War of Wonders: roughly 4 hours left.


01/06/2015 15:47

Yashamaru's 3D sculpt is now complete. Have a look and share your comments and feedbacks with us on the Facebook page.

Continue supporting War of Wonders Kickstarter to get Crimson Dragons Japanese paratroopers with the next stretch goal!

Il modello 3D di Yashamaru è completo. Ammirate e condividete le vostre opinioni e commenti sulla pagina Facebook del gioco.

Continuate a supportare il Kickstarter di War of Wonders per sbloccare anche i paracadutisti giapponesi dei Crimson Dragons con il prossimo stretch goal!

30/05/2015 09:30

Yashamaru, Shinobi of the Village of Water, is the first Japanese miniature that will be produced through War of Wonders Kickstarter. The miniature has been unlocked last week and our sculptor immediately started working on him!

Here's the very first pic of the miniature, straight from our sculptor's workbench. Have a look, we hope you enjoy it.

It won't take long before Crimson Dragons Japanese paratroopers are unlocked too, since they're the most voted option in the poll opened on War of Wonders Kickstarter support page.

Continue supporting the Kickstarter and get your Japanese faction!

Yashamaru, Shinobi del Villaggio dell'Acqua, è la prima miniatura giapponese che sarà prodotta attraverso il Kickstarter di War of Wonders. La miniatura è stata sbloccata la scorsa settimana e il nostro scultore si è subito messo al lavoro!

Ecco a voi la prima immagine del work in progress, ci auguriamo che sia di vostro gradimento.

Non manca molto perché anche anche i paracadutisti giapponesi dei Crimson Dragons vengano sbloccati, dato che sono stati l'opzione più votata nel sondaggio aperto sulla pagina di supporto al Kickstarter di War of Wonders.

Continuate a sostenere il Kickstarter e conquistate anche la fazione giapponese!

28/05/2015 17:50

When Dark Mages revealed themselves to the world as allies of Nazi Germany, the young Jesper St. Clare tried to warn the Order of the Observers to which he belongs. Receiving a cold shoulder from the warlocks, who chose to stay neutral, he knocked at the door of Raimondo Di Sangro, Prince of San Severo, a centuries-old Observer, extremely powerful and loathed by the Order of the Observers itself.
He is the creator of Albedo, Rubedo and Nigredo Alchemic Works and of the weird contraptions called Devilries, where they're inserted. These alchemically distilled gems donate dark and devastating powers to people with pre-existing arcane training: they become Technomancers.
The Order of the Observers considers Technomancers nothing less than abominations, and still St. Clare formed a small squad of Technomancers to fight Nazi Dark Mages.

Each alchemic gem creates a different kind of Technomancer.
Nimrods are Dark Mage hunters, and they use Devilries fueled by Albedo Alchemic Works to track, chase and trap them.
Spriggans are like sappers, and use Devilries fueled by Rubedo Alchemic Works to deprive Dark Mages of their powers or block them.
Vanquishers are the destroyers, tasked with exterminating Dark Mages using Devilries fueled by Nigredo Alchemic Works.

St. Clare Technomages special squad is one of the stretch goals of War of Wonders Kickstarter. Support it now to bring them to life!

Quando i Maghi Oscuri si sono rivelati al mondo al servizio della Germania nazista, il giovane mago Jesper St. Clare ha cercato di mettere in guardia l'Ordine degli Osservatori di cui fa parte. Non ricevendo alcun sostegno dalla congrega di maghi, i quali preferiscono rimanere neutrali rispetto alla guerra in corso, si è allora rivolto a Raimondo di Sangro, Principe di San Severo, un Osservatore vecchio di secoli, potentissimo e inviso all'Ordine.
Egli è il creatore delle Opere Alchemiche di Albedo, Rubedo e Nigredo, e dei marchingegni chiamati Diavolerie nelle quali esse vengono installate, in grado di donare poteri oscuri e devastati a soggetti già istruiti nelle arti della magia: essi diventano allora Tecnomanti.
Per i Maghi dell'Ordine degli Osservatori i Tecnomanti rappresentano un'aberrazione intollerabile, ma St. Clare ha comunque formato una piccola squadra di Tecnomanti per combattere i Maghi Oscuri nazisti.

Ciascuna Opera Alchemica dà vita a un diverso genere di Tecnomante.
I Nimrod sono i  cacciatori di Maghi Oscuri, e si servono delle Diavolerie alimentate da Opere Albedo per rintracciarli, seguirli e catturarli.
Gli Spriggan sono i guastatori, e usano Diavolerie alimentate da Opere Rubedo per rendere inermi i Maghi Oscuri, sconvolgendo o inibendo i loro poteri magici.
Infine i Vanquisher sono i distruttori, che si occupano di sterminare i Maghi Oscuri servendosi delle Diavolerie alimentate da Opere Nigredo.

La squadra speciale di Tecnomaghi di St. Clare è uno degli stretch goal del Kickstarter di War of Wonders.  Supporta il Kickstarter oggi stesso !

27/05/2015 19:11

The Kickstarter campaign gets richer today with two new exclusive pledge levels!


Did you know the guys of 4thwar Equipment produce some awesome cardboard wargaming tables? They're easy to fold/unfold and assemble, so you can always take them with you and get ready to play any game with your friends in just a couple of minutes.


They're amazingly resistant and practical, and if you don't believe it, have a look at the Beasts of War review.


These two new exclusive pledge levels are for EU backers ONLY, and they give you the chance to take home a quick-to-assemble wargaming surface, thanks to our agreement with 4thwar Equipment.


Have a look at the Kickstarter page to know more about these pledges.



Il Kickstarter oggi si arricchisce di due nuovi pledge esclusivi!


Conoscete già i ragazzi di 4thwar Equipment? Producono degli straordinari tavoli da gioco in cartone pressato che sono estremamente semplici da trasportare. Portateli con voi, apriteli ovunque vi troviate, e avrete immediatamente una superficie su cui giocare con i vostri amici.


Sono estremamente pratici e resistenti, e se non ci credete date un'occhiata alla recensione di Beasts of War.


I due nuovi esclusivi pledge sono riservati ai soli backers europei, e vi daranno la possibilità di portare a casa una superficie di gioco facile da trasportare e da assemblare, grazie all'accordo che abbiamo stretto con 4thwar Equipment.


Curiosi di scoprire cosa abbiamo preparato? Correte a visitare la pagina del Kickstarter!

20/05/2015 10:51

Yashamaru has been unlocked! Kickstarter reached its first stretch goal, and the Shinobi of the Village of Water is now available to all backers. We added a new pledge level too, to get four master painted Meta-Human miniatures and their original artworks, and we're now moving straight to the next stretch goal. But what should it be?

Today we start a poll on the War of Wonders MG Support Group on Facebook and YOU can choose which miniatures should be unlocked next: the most voted option will be the next stretch goal. You can vote for British Meta-Human Rose, for Japanese Crimson Dragons paratroopers, for Japanese Kami special squad or for the shadow-weaver Japanese Meta-Human Sakura, a new miniature that we'll add to this Kickstarter if she's the most voted!

Go join the Facebook Kickstarter Support Group now and vote which fantastic miniatures you'll get next.

Yashamaru è stato sbloccato! Il Kickstarter ha raggiunto il suo primo stretch goal, e lo Shinobi del Villaggio dell'Acqua è ora disponibile per tutti i backers. Abbiamo anche arricchito il Kickstarter di un nuovo pledge, che vi consente di aggiudicarvi le miniature di quattro Meta-Umani dipinte a livello professionale e le loro esclusive concept arts firmate dai nostri artisti, e intanto ci muoviamo spediti verso il prossimo stretch goal. Ma quale sarà?

Oggi lanciamo un sondaggio sulla pagina di supporto al Kickstarter di War of Wonders creata su Facebook, e sarete VOI a scegliere le prossime miniature da sbloccare: quella che riceverà il maggior numero di voti sarà prodotta con il secondo stretch goal. Potete votare per la Meta-Umana britannica Rose, per i paracadutisti giapponesi dei Crimson Dragons, per la squadra speciale di Kami giapponesi o ancora per la tessitrice d'ombre Sakura, un nuovo Meta-Umano giapponese che aggiungeremo al Kickstarter se riceverà il maggior numero di voti!

Non vi resta che andare sul gruppo Facebook di supporto al Kickstarter ed esprimere la vostra preferenza per scegliere le prossime fantastiche miniature di War of Wonders.

18/05/2015 15:17

The Wuderkammern were created by Dr. Freida Weber, who theorised them during her formative years at University. Her studies concerning the superiority of the Aryan race were disputed by her teachers, and the debate that followed forced her to abandon the academy. The newly founded Nazi party, however, found her theories much more interesting. They approached her, promising financial support to allow her to carry on with her research – a promise that they kept after Adolf Hitler came to power.


The Wunderkammern radiate the test subject with the rays of the Black Sun, transforming his or her body and mind patterns and thus giving him or her supernatural powers.


Unfortunately, at least in the early stages, the procedure is unstable and quite often it ends with the death of the candidate.


When Jews, homosexuals and gypsies start being deported, Dr. Weber’s labs receive a growing influx of human Guinea pigs on which to experiment. With time it becomes more evident that some people are more suitable than others for those experiments.


The “Eureka” moment comes when Dr. Aaron Spiegelmann, a Polish man with Jewish origins, undergoes the treatment. His body withers and becomes deformed, his cranium grows beyond any imagination – but he is the first person to survive more than two weeks after the treatment. His mental faculties grow well above average, and seem to be constantly developing.

The Nazi charge him with the further development and the stabilisation of the mutation process, thus taking it off Dr. Weber’s hands despite her having personally originated the whole thing. Dr. Weber, filled with hatred, becomes convinced that Dr. Spiegelmann is plotting against the project itself. She finds proof of it when in the mutation chamber is brought Jürgen Cranigh, a mediocre soldier with dubious morality.


With a trick, Dr. Spiegelmann rushes Cranigh’s mutation without waiting for the Wunderkammer to cool properly, causing its explosion.


Cranigh, however, still mutates: the result is Fenrir, a blood-thirsty, brainless beast, incapable to tell friends from enemies.


To avoid Fenrir’s fury, Dr. Weber is forced to hide in the Wunderkammer itself. As Fenrir lays waste to the lab and devours its occupants, the mutation chamber is somehow triggered. The chamber explodes again, and from it emerges a new superhuman being, with unimaginable powers: Dr. Weber mutated into something that the Germans will call Brunhild.


The Axis just saw the birth of the two most powerful Meta-Humans in the world, but as it happened Dr. Spiegelmann managed to flee without a trace…

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War of Wonders miniature game